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Farmed Salmon Is one in every of the foremost poisonous Foods within the World

Fish has forever been touted as a healthy food, however once it involves today’s farmed salmon, specialists say that description couldn’t be clear of the reality. According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, “Today’s fisheries area unit long-faced with a spread of severe issues, from overfishing to chemical pollution and change from virulent exposures.” Farmed salmon has been tested to be 5 times a lot of virulent than the other food tested. In fact, Norwegian environmental activist Kurt Oddekalv claims that today’s farmed …

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Gagnez 10 000 £ du prix Caine pour l’écriture africaine

The due date to enter the 2020 Prize is 31st January 2020. Qualification Unpublished work isn’t qualified for the Caine Prize. Entries ought to be made by distributers as it were. Just anecdotal work is qualified. Just a single story for each creator will be considered in any one year. …

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