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Fondation Hoffman Scholarship at University of the People

Generously donated by the Fondation Hoffmann, this scholarship is available to all students studying towards an associate’s degree who can partially fund their studies. Recipients of this scholarship will have up to ten Exam Processing Fees funded, enabling motivated students from around the world the opportunity to earn an accredited academic degree. Host …

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Global Korea Scholarship

“The GKS(Global Korea Scholarship) is a scholarship program sponsored by the NIIED (National Institute for International Education) and designed to provide higher education in Korea for international students in the aim of promoting international exchange in education and mutual friendship amongst the participating countries.” Application Guideline Please be sure to check …

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bourse pour specialite en medecine

Bonjour,je suis etudiante en 6eme annee medecine generale a l’université de l’etat de Ryazan I.I.Pavlov en régime d veux savoir comment peux je bostuler pour une bourse pour spécialité en medecine en russie??                     Avec mes remerciements

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