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All Subject Areas: Swansea University Research Excellence Scholarships

Swansea University is pleased to offer up to sixteen fully funded scholarships for full time doctoral study on a Swansea University single award degree, commencing in October 2019, supported by its flagship Swansea University Research Excellence Scholarships Scheme (SURES). Seven academic Colleges/Schools are participating in the scheme through 33 individual projects. …

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WIRL-COFUND | Warwick Interdisciplinary Research Leadership Programme

The third call for applicants will be open on 1st October 2018 and the deadline for applications is 30th November 2018 All applications must be made using the University of Warwick online application system and use the documents and format detailed in the Guidance for Applicants Applicants who do not meet to …

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SMU Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Digital Humanities, USA

Fellows receive an annualized salary, plus benefits and funds to support research and travel.   Job Summary:   The Center for Presidential History (CPH) at Southern Methodist University invites applications for a two-year Postdoctoral Fellowship, to begin in September 2019. Applicants from all fields and topics in U.S. history are …

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