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China plans to send an artificial moon in 2020

The Chinese daily China Daily – under state control – reports that the country’s space industry is preparing to launch an artificial moon with the aim of replacing urban lighting at night. Moon-face-face-cache-NASACThis project was presented by New Area Science Society for the city of Chengdu. A first experimental satellite …

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The 10 best reasons to stop sugar right now

1. Sugar Slows You Down When I decided to give up sugar in my early twenties, probably the most remarkable effect and the one that stands out most in my memory was that I became the only person in the office where I worked who didn’t experience the “post-lunch coma.” …

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Octobre rose, le mois dédié à la lutte contre le cancer du sein

Cela fait vingt-cinq ans. 25 ans qu’est née l’association «Cancer du sein parlons-en» . Objectif, mobiliser les femmes bien sûr mais aussi leur entourage. C’est d’ailleurs le slogan de cette année: «Tous concernés». La première campagne d’«Octobre Rose» est née aux États-Unis en 1993. La France s’engageait un an plus tard. …

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