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Blog4Dev Competition: What will it take to enhance the skills needed to prepare Africa’s youth for the digital economy and the future of work?

Technological progress is constantly changing how we work, from automation to artificial intelligence. With these advancements, firms adopt of new ways of production, helping markets to expand, and societies to evolve. While advances in technology can eliminate the need for some jobs, the World Development Report 2019 notes that it also paves …

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Vivre sans dormir: mythe ou réalité future?

Methods and conditions differ, but all animal species rest in one way or another. Standing, sitting, lying, flying, even underwater. Human beings often feel the need for it and generally suffer from the slightest reduction in their sleep quota. Total deprivation can cost him his life. Strangely, some people don’t …

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Newborn contracted fatal herpes virus from kiss, mom warns

The parents of a newborn baby who died just eight days after her May 2018 birth are warning others about the potential dangers of allowing family and friends to touch and kiss infants. Abigail Rose Friend, who said her daughter Aliza Rose was born healthy but later contracted herpes virus …

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