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Nourhane Amani Bounab, lauréate algérienne du programme d’excellence bourse Eiffel 2018

Pour la rentrée 2018, cinq étudiants algériens se sont démarqués dont trois doctorants qui effectueront leur thèse dans les universités françaises (Université Paul Sabatier à Toulouse, Université Savoie Mont Blanc à Chambéry, Université de Technologie de Troyes) et deux étudiants de Master en « Sciences de l’Ingénieur » (Université Paris-Sud) et « Économie et …

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PCAOB Economic Research Fellowships, USA

The PCAOB maintains an Economic Research Fellowship Program that is intended to generate high quality publishable economic research on topics of direct relevance to the PCAOB mission. The program provides a way for the Board to obtain outside perspectives in analyzing data collected by the PCAOB through its oversight activities. …

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These alternative foods to antibiotics

Over the past few decades, the overuse of antibiotics has reached a record level. The result is drug-resistant bacteria, “superbacteria” that evolve too quickly for scientists to understand how to fight them. We have already heard about a future where bacteria are at the top of the food chain. Long …

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