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PURPOSE It is the wish of the Novo Nordisk Foundation for nursing in Denmark to be research-based, and for the Danish nursing profession to develop to the highest quality for the benefit of the entire nursing and patient treatment process. The Novo Nordisk Foundation hereby invites for applications within clinical …

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Why Men Who Marry Nurses End Up The Happiest

Nurses are a special breed of people who embody the rare combination of tough and loving. They know how to handle belligerent patients, gross messes, and still comfort people when they need it. And they’re smart. They’re the kind of person who is a true partner in a relationship and keeps everything moving forward in both of …

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Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme

The Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme is an established national initiative, funded by the Department of Education and Skills and managed by the Council. In 2017, we invested in a total of 1,179 postgraduate scholars, with over 5,000 individual scholarships for excellent research awarded to date. The Government of …

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