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Ce que les étudiants doivent savoir sur l’université et la santé mentale

Aller à l’université est une période passionnante: vous rencontrerez des personnes nouvelles et intéressantes, vous vivrez de manière indépendante et vous aurez sans aucun doute des expériences qui resteront avec vous pour le reste de votre vie. Mais faire un tel changement – que ce soit géographiquement ou purement académique …

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Scholarship of the Scholarship Foundation of the Republic of Austria for Undergraduates, Graduates and Postgraduates

Country of origin: All except Austria Target country: Austria Area of study or research: Natural Sciences Technical Sciences Human Medicine, Health Sciences Agricultural Sciences Social Sciences Humanities Arts Type of grant: grants, research promotion Detailed type of grant: Semester and/or one-year grants, Research grants Funding: National Target group: Undergraduates Graduates …

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VISITING INTERNATIONAL FELLOWSHIP (The Department of Sociology at the University of Surrey, Guildford), United Kingdom

The Department of Sociology at the University of Surrey, Guildford, United Kingdom, has an established Visiting International Fellowship (VIF) to foster the development of links with international scholars who are normally at least 5 years post doctorate. The Fellowship is an exciting opportunity for scholars to visit the Department, contribute …

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