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Türkiye Scholarships Research Program

Research Fellowship Programme aims to encourage international researchers and academics to work with Turkish academics on collaborative researches in Turkey and contribute to the development of the international scientific interaction between researchers. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS Research areas can be in social sciences, humanities and sciences.  Applicants are required to state the …

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IFISC offers several Ph.D. positions to start by the end of 2018.

Within the Unit of Excellence María de Maeztu award, IFISC STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES for the period 2018-2022 are the study, exploration, and development of INFORMATION PROCESSING IN AND BY COMPLEX SYSTEMS. These objectives comprise connecting state-of-the-art approaches originating from different fields, developing common frameworks, and synthesizing novel information processing concepts. Our research priorities encompass four …

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Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona fellowships

The Department of Information and Communication Technologies at Universitat Pompeu Fabra seeks doctoral applications from talented students with a strong interest in research. Candidates for PhD positions must hold an M.Sc degree or equivalent. Currently we offer DTIC PhD Fellowships and Dorcas Muthoni Fellowship. Find more information here: Call for …

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