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Doctoral Scholarships for African Students at FIU in USA, 2018

In collaboration with FIU, the Université Aube Nouvelle is now accepting applications for doctoral studies scholarships within the Framework of FIU’s African Graduate Students Initiative (AGSI) coordinated by Dr. Lakhdar Boukerrou, Co-Director International Program at the Institute of Water and Environment. FIU welcomes international students to join their diverse and intercultural community. More than …

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IMéRA :Programme Art, Science et Société 2019-2020, France

Le programme Art, Science et Société accueille chaque année des artistes et des scientifiques (humanités, sciences humaines et sociales, sciences exactes et expérimentales) impliqués dans des expérimentations au croisement de l’art et de la science. Sa vocation est de favoriser le développement de collaborations articulant la recherche et la création, artistiques …

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Watercolor effect in vector landscape design

A landscape is the visible features of an area of land, its landforms and how they integrate with natural or man-made features. A landscape includes the physical elements of geophysically defined landforms such as (ice-capped) mountains, hills, water bodies such as rivers, lakes, ponds and the sea, living elements of …

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