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NED Reagan-Fascell Democracy Scholarships in USA for Developing Countries (Fully Funded)

Located within the framework of the NED International Forum for Democratic Studies, the program provides a rich intellectual framework for educational exchange and professional development. During their stay, the comrades reflect on their experiences; Engage with peers; Conduct research and writing; Review best practices and lessons learned; And develop professional relationships within a global network …

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Programme de doctorat Grenoble Quantum Engineering (QuEnG), France

QuEnG vise à créer un écosystème pour les technologies quantiques qui connectera les sciences, les humanités et l’entrepreneuriat. Le projet tirera parti de la concentration unique d’expertises présentes à Grenoble pour former d’excellents étudiants à devenir les ingénieurs quantiques de demain. QuEnG adressera des questions aussi  variées que le transfert industriel …

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