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Mucuna Pruriens, fill up with dopamine

WHAT IS MUCUNA PRURIENS? Mucuna pruriens, also called mascate pea or purple bean, is an annual climbing plant native to southern China and India and currently cultivated in the tropics. Muscat pea is part of a family of legumes, mucuna, comprising about 150 species, of which mucuna pruriens has the most interesting …

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The University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, invites applications for a full professorship (100%) in environmental anthropology

The University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, invites applications for a full professorship (100%) in environmental anthropology, with a specialization in agri-environmental issues in Switzerland. Candidates should demonstrate excellence in at least two of the following fields: agri-food systems, agri- environmental transition, agroforestery or rural socio-anthropology. In addition to teaching and research, …

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