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Не могу не поделиться. Это стоит услышать

Доброго дня. Простите за излишнее беспокойство, но не могу не поделиться душевной, доброй и настоящей музыкой. Если тыц-тыц с мат-перематом уже ДОСТАЛО, то эти песни для Вас. Слова со смыслом, каждая песня – история, приятная мелодия. Для прослушивания в Spotify: Для прослушивания в Apple Music: Пожалуйста не ругайтесь …

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Post-Doctoral Position in Human Tumor Immunology

The group of Pierre van der Bruggen is a pioneer in the field of cancer immunotherapy and discovered the first human tumor antigens recognized by T lymphocytes. In close collaboration with clinicians, we aim to characterize the mechanisms of resistance to cancer immunotherapy, with a focus on myeloid-derived suppressor cells. …

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Postdoctoral Fellowship Geometry & Deep Learning for 3D Biological Shape Reconstructions: Reveal Membrane Proteins with Cryo-Electron Microscopy, United States

Contact: Nina Miolane, UCSB ( Cornelius Gati, USC ( Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. However, we recommend applying before October 1st, 2021 in order to be given full consideration. Start date is flexible, from November 1st, 2021, for a duration of 3 years. Primary location is …

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