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Le développement rapide de divers projets de métaverse fait entrer l’industrie de la blockchain dans une nouvelle ère. Afin de soutenir le développement du métavers et de GameFi, OKExChain organise un hackathon sur le thème du métavers pour faire reconnaître les projets prêts à être lancés ! OKExChain (OEC) est une …

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Doctoral Position (gn) to study the effects of medicinal plant extracts on bacterium-host interaction in uropathogenic Escherichia coli

The Institute of Hygiene, Section Microbial Genome Plasticity at the University of Muenster, Germany has an opening limited to 3 years for a Doctoral Position (gn*) to study the effects of medicinal plant extracts on bacterium-host interaction in uropathogenic Escherichia coli Reference Number 06438 Part-Time with 65% Scholarship with a …

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Two post-doctoral positions in neurosciences – Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Montpellier, France

In the context of a very interdisciplinary and ambitious project in neuroscience, cell biology, microelectronics and robotics, we are seeking for two highly motivated post-doctoral fellows to join the teams of Raphael Gaudin (IRIM) and Ganesh Gowrishankar (LIRMM), both labs located in Montpellier, France. The project aims at recording and …

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