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Chair, Department of Pharmacology & Cancer, United States

Duke University School of Medicine invites applications and nominations for the Chair of the Department of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology. Candidates should have a record of outstanding scholarship and administrative leadership, along with a commitment to excellence in research, education, mentoring, and faculty development. The Department of Pharmacology and Cancer …

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L’Université de Manchester offre 30 bourses d’équité et de mérite aux étudiants d’Afrique subsaharienne

Les objectifs de développement durable des Nations Unies tracent la voie vers un avenir meilleur et plus durable pour tous. Nos bourses d’équité et de mérite visent à permettre aux jeunes professionnels des pays du Sud de proposer des solutions pour atteindre ces objectifs interdépendants. Les bourses d’équité et de mérite …

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Current University of Nottingham scholarships

Studentships Chemical & Environmental Engineering PhD Studentship: Enzymatic degradation of rubber to functional materials Closing Date Wednesday, 1st September 2021 Computer Science PhD Studentship School of Computer Sciences Closing Date Saturday, 2nd October 2021 Engineering Rolls-Royce sponsored PhD scholarship – Mechatronics system for smart supervision and control for aeroengine related …

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