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Gerda Henkel Foundation Doctoral Fellowships (Humanities in the World), Germany

Description   Outline The PhD Scholarships from the Gerda Henkel Foundation provide research funding for humanities researchers worldwide with a particular focus on the following subject areas: Archaeology History of Art Historical Islamic Studies History History of Science History of Law Prehistory and Early History Each year around 50 applicants are awarded a scholarship. …

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Vacancy note for Project Officer (PO)

 Download the pdf The deadline to submit the applications will be the 10th of September 2021. Applications shall include the candidate’s CV, a motivation letter and a copy of his/her identity card or passport. Applications shall be submitted only through the form posted in the following link: APPLY HERE Please note …

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Easily and quickly calculate your daily calorie requirement

Whether you want to lose weight or gain muscle mass, knowing your basal metabolism and energy expenditure is crucial. This will ensure that you reach your goals with an adapted training and nutrition program. Bottom Line: The more active your body, the higher your daily calorie requirement. 1. How do you …

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