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Memory Loss Caused by Brain Parasite Uncovered in Patient

Researchers have recently identified the presence of a living parasitic worm in the brain of a 64-year-old woman from Australia who was suffering from depression and memory issues. This discovery, a global first, pertains to an unusual case of parasitic infection. It involves a roundworm parasite measuring approximately 8 cm …

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Diabetes: Violence and abuse experienced in adulthood increase the risk

“Exposure to violence or interpersonal abuse throughout life has been associated with several chronic diseases, including adult-onset diabetes, but this trend has not been confirmed based on patients’ gender and ethnicity,” said researchers from Meharry Medical College (USA). In a recent study, they used data from a cohort called the …

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Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences – BAGSS Starter Scholarships

The Starter Scholarship is awarded for a one year period only. During that time, recipients are expected to develop an excellent research proposal that will be used to apply for further funding, e.g. for scholarships from the many German sponsorship organisations. The Starter Scholarship amounts to 1.468 EUR per month. …

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