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Frozen Fruits and Vegetables: Are They Healthy? Exploring Nutritional Benefits with More Examples

Consuming an ample variety of fruits and vegetables is paramount for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. But when it comes to consumption, the dilemma often arises: should we go for fresh produce or reach for frozen options straight from the freezer? The primary goal is to relish the consumption of fruits …

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Link Established Between Late Introduction of Food Diversity and Food Allergies in Children

Food allergies are particularly common among children and young adults. A French epidemiological study that examined the eating habits of 6,662 infants and children has confirmed a strong connection between delayed introduction of food diversity and the risk of allergies. In this epidemiological study, scientists discovered that only 62% of …

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For the first time in its history, Canada receives 900,000 foreign students

Canadian Immigration Minister Mark Miller announced that his country will receive 900,000 foreign students this year, an unprecedented number in its history. Miller said in an interview with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation that Canada is on its way to receive 900,000 foreign students this year, which is a very large number unprecedented …

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