
How Much Chocolate Can Really Kill You?

The chocolate contains an essential component theobromine. However, theobromine is a poisonous alkaloid. Theobromine poisoning can cause heart failure, seizures , acute kidney damage, and dehydration. The lethal dose of chocolate for a human being is around 1000 mg / kg (or 40 bars of chocolate ). The chocolate certainly has scientifically recognized undeniable benefits, but as with any other food , its excessive consumption can …

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The age of the GIANTS on Earth

The Heraklion Archaeological Museum houses a large and exceptional collection of ancient objects from excavations carried out throughout the Cretan territory, in particular at the archaeological sites of Knossos, Phaistos and Gortyn. The works on display come mainly from the prehistoric Minoan era, which takes its name from the legendary Cretan king Minos. The Minoan civilization …

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In Algeria: discovery of fragments of a meteorite older than Earth!

Almost as old as the solar system, barely older than the Earth : a piece of meteorite was found in the Sahara desert in May 2020. It is the oldest meteorite ever known on Earth … The meteorite EC 002 dates back 4.565 billion years, two million years older than Earth (4.543 billion years). It is the oldest meteorite ever discovered. In a recent report published …

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Your tongue cells have the ability to recognize smells

Scientists already knew that smell and taste are closely linked in the brain, with smell conveying most of the complex information associated with flavor. But a new article, published online Tuesday, April 24 in the journal Chemical Senses , shows that the two senses also seem to be linked to the surface of the tongue. Researchers at the Monell Chemical Senses Center , an institution nonprofit research …

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Der Preis des menschlichen Körpers auf dem Schwarzmarkt

Es gibt Infografiken für alles und sogar für den Preis einer Niere auf dem Schwarzmarkt. Es besteht kaum eine Chance, dass Sie jemals in diese Art des Handels verwickelt werden (hoffentlich…), aber es ist nicht uninteressant, die Preisschätzungen für jedes Organ zu sehen. Paar Augäpfel: 1.525 US-Dollar Kopfhaut: $ 607 Schädel …

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The 10 eye signs your eyes are showing about your health

The eyes are a reflection of the soul, but also of the body: observing our eyes is a great way to spot imbalances in the body in advance before they deteriorate and become more serious problems. In case you notice anything unusual in your eyes, a sudden change in the quality of your eyesight, …

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The legendary swords of human history

1- The cursed blades of Muramasa Fans of Japanese history will no doubt recognize the name of Muramasa, a famous blacksmith who has gone down in legend thanks to the quality of his work and the dark reputation of his weapons. In historical texts, he is often put in duality with …

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78-year-old man regains sight with artificial cornea

A fully artificial cornea allowed a 78-year-old man to regain his sight. It was developed by a company and could restore sight to millions of people. As part of an operation capable of giving hope to many visually impaired people, a 78-year-old man regained his sight with the implantation of an artificial cornea. Called …

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Who Lives Longest: Vegetarians or Carnivores?

A lot of people have gone vegetarians for health reasons, but is it really the best choice? Or is there a real health benefit to forgoing meat? Carnivores and vegetarians have an eternal bickering, one group always tries to “convert” the other and show them what a big mistake they are …

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They seek to resuscitate the dead with stem cells

Stem cells appear more and more as a serious way to treat many nervous diseases: Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, brain damage… So why not repair the brains of the dead to bring them back to life ? This project, worthy of a sci-fi (or horror) film scenario , is the crazy project carried by an American company based in …

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