Japanese students use a robot to graduate

Faced with this Covid-19 pandemic situation, universities have closed their doors. This prevents large numbers of students from attending their graduation. Fortunately, robots can help us today. Example in Japan.
With the closure of schools to deal with the spread of the new coronavirus, some students will miss one of the most significant days of their lives, the graduation ceremony. That said, in Japan, a country where robots are legion, some were still able to be present, virtually, thanks to the robots. This was particularly the case for the promotion of Business Breakthrough University in Tokyo. Presentation.

Japanese university celebrates graduation with robots rather than students
We already had examples of using this type of robot in hospitals in particular, to maintain contact with loved ones in hospitals. Today there is another use for these robots. And it seems to work quite well. According to the testimony of Kazuki Tamura, one of the students who was able to “graduate” this way, “it is an entirely new experience to graduate in a public place while I am in a private place. “As surprising as it may seem, this is not the first time that such a ceremony has taken place virtually in Japan due to the pandemic. A few days ago, an elementary school organized its ceremony in Minecraft. The students were present via their avatars.

A relevant example of the use of new technologies in this crisis phase
In the case that concerns us today, the robots used for this ceremony were created by ANA Holdings and respond to the small name of Newme. They received a new graduate hat and the dress that goes with it. Thus, they looked very much like young graduates, even if they were only robots. As a head, the robots were equipped with a tablet to display the face of the student that each represented. In any case, it is a very interesting approach. The Japanese university hopes that other schools around the world will adopt this solution to limit gatherings without completely depriving students of this very important event.

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