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Now recruiting UN Volunteers as Africa Women Health Champions

Partnership with the World Health Organization UNV and the World Health Organization (WHO) have launched an initiative to recruit early to middle career women professionals in Africa to promote health and boost gender equity across 47 countries in the region. In a region with some of the highest rates of …

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ERASMUS – Interactive open online course “Youth, peace and security”

The interactive open online course “Youth, Peace and Security” introduces participants to the fundamental concepts of violence, conflict and peace and provides a space to exchange ideas and perspectives with their peers on the role of young people in transformation of conflicts. Age of participation: 18-30 Who is it for:  Youth …

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ETH4D Faculty Exchange Grants  

ETH4D Faculty Exchange Grants aim to – permitting ETH scientists to bring collaborators from the Global South to ETH Zurich for a research stay or a workshop/conference attendance. – funding ETH scientists to travel to partner institutions in the Global South for lectures, courses and collaboration meetings. Partner Countries Collaborating …

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