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Une peau parfaite grâce à ces bonnes bactéries

Rappelez-vous dans les années 90, lorsque nous avons travaillé si dur pour éliminer toutes les bactéries sur notre visage (merci, les publicités de Neutrogena Acne Wash)? Nous savons mieux maintenant. Nous savons que notre corps héberge environ un billion de micro-organismes, y compris des bactéries et des champignons. Beaucoup de ces insectes …

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Johan Huizinga Fellowship for Historical Research at Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

The Johan Huizinga Fund/Rijksmuseum Fund offers outstanding candidates the opportunity to conduct historical research into objects in the Rijksmuseum collection. Candidates are invited to submit a research proposal that draws on these objects as subject material and as sources of information. The Rijksmuseum will endeavor to enable publication of the …

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Bourse postdoctorale Mellon au Haverford College

The Hurford Center hosts two Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Postdoctoral Fellows each academic year. Haverford has a profound stake in ensuring continuity in the tradition of scholar-teachers. The college offers opportunities for faculty development through intimate interdisciplinary exchange and innovative pedagogy and provides an ideal setting for cultivating the creative energies of …

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