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The CNRS is recruiting 250 researchers throughout France

From 7 December 2021 to 11 January 2022, the CNRS, one of the biggest research organizations in the world, will be recruiting 250 researchers of any nationality, from any scientific discipline: biology, chemistry, ecology and environment, people and society, engineering and systems, mathematics, nuclear and particles, physics, information science, earth and …

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Junior group leader position in neuroscience – ITI NeuroStra, Strasbourg, France

NeuroStra is an interdisciplinary thematic institute of Research and Training in Neuroscience funded by the University of Strasbourg, CNRS and INSERM, which started in January 2021. Gathering 10 laboratories (about 400 members), NeuroStra’s ambition is to structure the research and training programs of the Strasbourg neuroscience teams around their internationally recognized scientific strengths: nociception and pain (NeuroPain), time processing in …

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