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Post-doctoral/Post-baccalaureate Bioethics Fellowship at the NIH Bethesda, United States

The NIH Department of Bioethics welcomes applications for fully funded two-year postdoctoral and postbaccalaureate research fellowships. Fellows are central to the activities and intellectual life of our interdisciplinary department. They study ethical issues related to biomedical research, clinical practice, genetics, biotechnology, public health, health policy, and more. They conduct mentored …

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AIX-MARSEILLE UNIVERSITÉ Call for sixteen 2-year Postdoc positions

RESEARCH FIELD(S)1 All research areas JOB DESCRIPTION First Call CIVIS3i Postdoctoral fellowship programme CIVIS3i, The CIVIS Alliance Programme for International, Interdisciplinary, Intersectoral Research and Training for Experienced Researchers, is an Alliance program selected under the MSCA-H2020 COFUND for postdoctoral researchers, open to experienced researchers from all around the world, developed …

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Ibn Rushd Postdoctoral Fellowship Award -Thuwal, Saudi Arabia

The Ibn Rushd Postdoctoral Fellowship Award is a highly competitive program that supports Saudi scholars who are exceptional PhD students or recent PhD graduates (within ±2 years of earning their PhD degrees) to pursue their postdoctoral research at globally recognized host institutions The program offers a unique opportunity for selected …

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